The physical aspects of Raja Yoga, Asana and Pranayama.
The Practice
The Secret of Yoga – Abhyasa

Using change as your ally, build a strong daily practice. Om Namah Sivaya, Welcome Why is it we often don’t see the many benefits of yoga asana practice, including health, peace of mind, and stability? The Raja Yoga Sutras tell us the secret. The benefits of yoga are attained through Abhyasa: regular…
Pigeon Pose / Kapotasana
Forearm Wheel Pose / Dwipada Viparita Dandasana

For the adventurous Yogis ready to explore their limits we present the Forearm Wheel Pose! Before practicing this advanced backbending asana, it is recommended that you are comfortable in Chakrasana, the Wheel Pose. Practicing the Forearm wheel pose will improve your back bending practice, further opening your shoulders and strengthening…