How To Have A Powerful Asana Practice

Last year, I traveled for eight months. Given that I’d lived in over ten different locations during that time, my Yoga space was constantly changing. Though I tried my best to stay consistent in doing my asanas, they tended to be scattered, rushed and distracted.  However, there were weeks at…

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Vriksasana / Tree Pose

Practice this asana for a gentle yet powerful approach to physical and mental balance. The Tree Pose calms and focuses the mind while heightening awareness of your physical body. In fact, practice this posture any time you feel the need to gather your thoughts and tune back into presence! As…

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Pigeon Pose / Kapotasana

Also called the king of hip openers! The Pigeon will help release and open the hips from every angle; plus if you let yourself relax it may just draw you into deep bliss. Pigeon pose is usually practiced after the backbending series and before the Half-Spinal Twist, and like its…

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