Year: 2017
Forearm Wheel Pose / Dwipada Viparita Dandasana
For the adventurous Yogis ready to explore their limits we present the Forearm Wheel Pose! Before practicing this advanced backbending asana, it is recommended that you are comfortable in Chakrasana, the Wheel Pose. Practicing the Forearm wheel pose will improve your back bending practice, further opening your shoulders and strengthening…
Kitchari, Ayurveda’s Simple Super Food
Playing With the 6 Tastes…
An introduction to creating balanced meals using Ayurvedic principles. Unlike western nutrition trying to count calories, chasing vitamins and minerals, watching carbs and looking for complete proteins, Ayurveda simply says that each meal must contain the six tastes in reasonable ratios. If each of the six tastes is present…
Forearm Wheel Pose / Dwipada Viparita Dandasana

For the adventurous Yogis ready to explore their limits we present the Forearm Wheel Pose! Before practicing this advanced backbending asana, it is recommended that you are comfortable in Chakrasana, the Wheel Pose. Practicing the Forearm wheel pose will improve your back bending practice, further opening your shoulders and strengthening…
Kitchari, Ayurveda’s Simple Super Food
Playing With the 6 Tastes…

An introduction to creating balanced meals using Ayurvedic principles. Unlike western nutrition trying to count calories, chasing vitamins and minerals, watching carbs and looking for complete proteins, Ayurveda simply says that each meal must contain the six tastes in reasonable ratios. If each of the six tastes is present…