Namaste, Welcome to Rainbow Life Yoga!
We are happy you found our blog and hope it will help you on your journey into Yoga Life. So much has changed since in our lives since we started this blog but the Truth remains the same. Though we are not currently updating this blog, we hope enjoy the articles. Om Shanti!
With Love,
Your Rainbow Yogis
We are happy you found our blog and hope it will help you on your journey into Yoga Life. So much has changed since in our lives since we started this blog but the Truth remains the same. Though we are not currently updating this blog, we hope enjoy the articles. Om Shanti!
With Love,
Your Rainbow Yogis
Bow / Dhanurasana

The Bow is the eighth posture, the last backbending posture in the series after the Cobra and Locust. It completes the basic back bending series providing a full bend to all parts of the back. Simultaneously this asana stretches the front of the body: neck, legs, arms and shoulders. Benefits: Gives…
Locust / Salabhasana

This is the seventh posture in the sequence and the second backbend after Bhujangasana. This asana brings flexibility to the cerival spine (the neck) while strengthening and flexing the lower back (lumbar spine) and muscles around the sacrum. It is especially good if you spend a lot of time standing or sitting,…