Bow / Dhanurasana

The Bow is the eighth posture, the last backbending posture in the series after the Cobra and Locust. It completes the basic back bending series providing a full bend to all parts of the back. Simultaneously this asana stretches the front of the body: neck, legs, arms and shoulders. Benefits: Gives…

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Locust / Salabhasana

This is the seventh posture in the sequence and the second backbend after Bhujangasana. This asana brings flexibility to the cerival spine (the neck) while strengthening and flexing the lower back (lumbar spine) and muscles around the sacrum. It is especially good if you spend a lot of time standing or sitting,…

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Cobra / Bhujangasana

The Cobra is the sixth posture. Bhujang means cobra in Sanskrit, as the complete posture resembles a cobra. It is the first backbend in the sequence, focusing on flexing the upper spine and strengthening the muscles of the lower back.  Imagine the smooth movement of a snake as you stretch up,…

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Seated Forward Bend / Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana is the fifth posture in the sequence. It is considered to be one of the most important postures and should be included in every practice. It is also called the Posture of Surrender. The more you can relax and surrender in this posture, the deeper it will take you. Maximize…

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