We are happy you found our blog and hope it will help you on your journey into Yoga Life. So much has changed since in our lives since we started this blog but the Truth remains the same. Though we are not currently updating this blog, we hope enjoy the articles. Om Shanti!
With Love,
Your Rainbow Yogis
Fish / Matsyasana

Matsyasana is the fourth posture in the sequence. It is the counter posture for the Shoulderstand and Plough, as the neck is bent backwards and the chest is pushed open. Matsyasana is a wonderful heart-opening posture, stretching the chest and ribcage and deepening the breath. This posture is especially helpful for those who…
Plough / Halasana

Halasana is the third posture in the basic series. If you are comfortable, you may choose to go directly from Sarvangasana into this posture, with no relaxation in between. It is a continuation to Sarvangasana, offering a deep stretch to the upper back and neck muscles but also involving the entire back all…
Shoulderstand / Sarvangasana

Sarvangasana is the second posture in the sequence. Sarvangasana means All Parts Pose in Sanskrit, named this way because it benefits all the parts of the body. It is an important inversion that will revitalize your whole body, giving you energy and vigor! Benefits: Increased blood flow to the heart and roots of…